Examples of Our Work

LSERSA wanted an online booking and payment system for their weekly training sessions. They'd ruled-out off-the-shelf systems like Teamer (too complicated) and Wild Apricot (too expensive). Instead we worked with them to provide a bespoke solution to their requirements.

Our solution:

  • allows the coaches to easily manage booking sessions, user accounts and racers
  • uses Stripe for payments
  • is hosted as part of the main LSERSA website for seamless integration

We updated their whole website at the same time, ensuring it is

  • highly-performant, scoring the maximum 400 on Google's Lighthouse tool
  • responsive and mobile-friendly, adapting to different size screens
  • designed to be fully accessible
LSERSA website homepage LSERSA booking system - racer management panel LSERSA booking system - emails panel LSERSA booking system - session management panel

A staff-scheduling system for planning staff and lessons rotas over a fortnight schedule. The simple UI lets Admin easily manage staff, lesson types and locations. Completed schedules can then be amended to reflect planned changes such as vacations.


  • staff have access to their own schedules online
  • option to email schedules to staff through the system
  • upload and download schedules (as CSV files) for storage or easier mass-editing
  • available as a hosted service

A demonstration of the system is available.

Staff scheduling system - schedule view Staff scheduling system - admin staff view Staff scheduling system - admin editor for lessons Staff scheduling system - admin upload/download view

A browser-based system to run a bracket-based competition. Choice of single bracket or two-stage competition. (One round of head-to-heads, with winners and losers entered into two separate brackets).

  • single-page web app with no need for internet connection
  • competitions can be saved and loaded
  • simple and intuitive user interface
Head-to-Head web app - single bracket view
Head-to-Head web app - two brackets view

We were asked to provide a hosted API producing radial chart visualisations.

  • colours and labels are fully customisable with a wide selection of icons available
  • hosted homepage, documentation and API endpoint
  • every new chart is assigned a unique identifier and copy held in a server data store for easy retrieval
  • built using industry-standard tools (FastAPI)
Radial charts - homepage
Radial charts - API documentation

We also specialize in spreadsheet-based development for both Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets.

Past projects have included:

  • score sheet design
  • race entry, timing and results package
  • inventory and stock-keeping system for an online store
Inventory system - summary view
Debt calculator - summary view